If You Find This Man, Marry HIM! - It's Complicated

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Monday, April 15, 2019

If You Find This Man, Marry HIM!

Girls, read here! We have some important articles for you especially those who are eyeing for a partner or a man to share their life with.

love, couple

It is actually a pleasure to share with you this article post which has been old teaching from old fellas. Well, I didn't know you but you are in the right place if you are looking for some education when it comes to entering a relationship. For one, you do not want to waste time on a relationship that later you will regret having. Two, you deserve the best not just because you are a lady, but because you are your dad's princess. Three, well, they say that there are two determinants of how a woman's life be--one is the choice of her course or education, and the other is the man she picks to be her husband.

Today, you will learn what should you look for in a man to tell that he is husband material and you should not waste it!

1. He Is A Man Of God

Whether you agree with me or not, the spiritual aspect of a person reflects those his acts and his decision in life. If he had the holy fear to the creator, he will closely follow what it is to be a good man for his woman. This way, both of you could maintain a good and harmonious relationship with each other no matter how intense your argument because at the back of both your mind you know that he/she is not just your partner, but also your brethren. You have both watchful not to abandon respect such when conflict arises.

2. He Doesn't Make You Feel Like His Mom

Common, you lady is his equal team and his helper in everything. You are there to support whatever endeavor both of you are up to. In times such being called in action, remember not to act as his mother in some areas in your relationship with him because he is an adult man and he has a mind of his own. Leave things to him, your only role is to support whatever his decision. No ship will sail smoothly if there is two captains that give orders. Even though society entails and pushes the equality of man and woman in almost aspect, believe me, in marriage or relationship it is still better for a woman respects the authority of his man.

3. He Is Not Ashamed Of You

No matter who you are and how you look, he must not let you feel like he is ashamed of your presence in his life instead you being his woman makes him proud that is why for a woman out there having a man in his life, never forsake to be beautiful. The concept of being beautiful doesn't just pertain to how one look. Yes, it is better to look pretty and expensive at all time, yet do not forget that the beauty of your heart is what captures a good man to long for your presence. It is like refreshment for a man to know that no matter what, he got the amazing YOU in his life.

4. He Is At Peace With His Family

We know that we could not choose who are family be. Yet, it is our inner responsibility to be respectful to elders. The way he treats his family gives you an insight into how your life will be with him; besides it is the number rule to have a flourishing life that one should respect the family he is in. If you notice he is not in agreement with his parents, then you can try to bridge that broken gap between them.

In marriage life, your parent will not be your parent anymore but his parent and his parents will become your parent. There is an exchange here, as what my precious grandma taught me. This system will avoid him feeling indifference with your parent and you to his parents. So, your parents must not be on your side had there be conflict in your relationship with him and in such way, his parent will never take his side too.

I know that not all families had this concept with it comes to their family system, but as for us, it is. As well as those of their children. In fact, when naming kids, it would be better to name it after the name of your partner's brother or sister. It will strengthen the bond of two families, knowing that your kids aren't just your kid alone, but also your sis' or bro's kid. That is also the reason why some family like mine calls their auntie/uncle, mommy or daddy, mama rita or papa bonny. The paternal and maternal role in rearing the children aren't just a sole responsibility of the new parent, both with the whole family had there be circumstances that both or one of the parent could not take the role, the other family member can help.

5. He Trusts You

Well, this need not long explanation here. No one ever wants to have a partner who does not trust them. Sometimes, it goes beyond than just simple trust. What I say, him having faith in you is better. No matter what the decision each one of you had, you both know into yourself that you did it with your partner's best interest so whether you see it bad or in conflict to his idea there is still that bond knowing that you did it for good reason. That whether it is at the uncompromising hour of the day when a talk or help needed to reach out, your partner will call or inform you.

6. He Knows You On Your Worst

You need someone who knows how you react when your mad or nervous. Who knows how to uplift your mood and encourage you when you are giving up. The one that is good and a husband material for you is a man who can actually heal you when all seems not okay in your life. How you be at your worst is the delicate stage in relationship because you will unconsciously react to the situation. It could be tough to be a man somehow. Well, to see a woman on the most complicated behavior can actually make you explode. If you, as a woman could sense that he gets annoyed yet he controls yelling at you, then appreciate it. Not everyone is slow to anger but if a man truly sees your value he won't throw you out of the window! That means, he is willing to have more patience with you.

7. He Has A Genuine Intention

A man you found in a bar is far from becoming a man who had good intention with you. Not that I say that you could not turn it right, but most of the man go out at night in a bar to forget and have fun. Unless he sees you in a deeper perspective do not expect that a man like that could be able to sustain a good relationship with you.

8. He Enjoys Your Company

For a man, his woman is his motivation to strive in whatever dream he may have. Having you by his side gives him the courage to be the best whilst never neglecting coming to you because that is just how he rejuvenates his energy. In order to make that possible, he must first enjoy your company.

9. He Sees The Future With You

A man will only share his plan with you if he sees himself sharing his life with you in the future. This may not come on an early stage in a relationship but eventually, it will. It is in a man to plan how to make things possible for both of you and you can help him to implement it.

Well, I guess that is already long list but somehow, it will give you some pointers so you will not be so naive when it comes to looking for some serious partner in the future.

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