Spot Gaslighting Red Flags In Your Relationship - It's Complicated

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Friday, April 19, 2019

Spot Gaslighting Red Flags In Your Relationship

Wanting to be in a healthy relationship is not a whim, but being in love we somehow let things pass or overlook things. Often times, our partner is already manipulating us without our knowledge. A psychologist called this gaslighting. It involves an intentional weakening in a subtle manner to manipulate a person he/she is in a relationship with to better take advantage or gain control of him/her.


It could be difficult to decipher manipulation especially if your partner is a good and honorable man in your perception. However, to ensure that you won't fall a victim of manipulation or gaslighting we have enlisted below a few red flags you must be not neglected if you start to notice it.

1. Your partner is withholding information from you

If you had a feeling that he is not telling you everything, oh well, there are also circumstances that you do not tell things to your partner especially if it is small unimportant things, but if they hide trivial information from you then your hunch might be valid.

2. Your partner loves to crook or twist things

Have you noticed that even if it is more you that should be feeling hurt, your partner will consume your position as a victim? This could be intentional done so that it will create confusion in the eyes of a stranger or bystander who does not know the whole story. Often times you need to draw energy just to prove to others that you are a victim instead of your partner. However, do not worry much because those who know your story will hardly be shaken of these acts but we didn't say this thing could not affect your mental health.

3. Your partner is so convincing in the distorted story he/she made

When you try to ask what happened, you can tell that your partner is really convincing. Either they have that inborn talent in acting or storytelling, you will the thought how webbed stories sounded so real.

4. Your partner is cutting your support from the outside community

 If your partner forcing you to stay at home, not earning for yourself or help in finances then be worried. He/she might be starting his/her plan to make you more dependent on his/her pocket so that you will be scared to let go of him. Other times, you can observe that your partner will cut means of communication with your family as well which can be alarming.

5. You are wrongfully accused

If you realized that your partner is twisting or flipping the blame on you most of the time, then be an alarm. However, a person who does this can also be unaware of its action. There is a high possibility that it is their normal self that working naturally and they are unconscious of it but if you think things are already getting more unfair, it is better to protect yourself before it gets too late.

How To Protect Yourself From Gaslighting Partner

First and foremost, you have to accept that this distorts of his/her behavior is not healthy for you. It would never benefit you, in the long run, being in this type of partner so when you see red flags mentioned above, cut ties as soon as possible.

Having a partner who is like this is so difficult. It makes you trust them less each day and havoc great damage to your psychological aspect. On this issue, it is best not to give your partner a clue that you know they are lying but stand on your ground of the truth. If possible, make a truthful conversation with them had they any issue about you so that they do not have to resolve on things like this but the best you can do is to stay away from them. Otherwise, you could not tell how far your partner breaks you.

Other educational books that can helps you lets you aware and spot abuse in a relationship

Gaslighting-How to recognize manipulative and emotional abusive people... 

2. When Love Hurts--A Woman's Guide To Understanding Abuse In Relationship

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